diff --git a/library/media_sessions.php b/library/media_sessions.php index 4a9a564..b3f51f4 100644 --- a/library/media_sessions.php +++ b/library/media_sessions.php @@ -1,764 +1,764 @@ dispatcher = $dispatcher; $this->filters = $filters; $this->allowedDomains = $allowedDomains; $this->getUserAgentPictures(); } public function getUserAgentPictures() { global $userAgentImages; global $userAgentImagesFile; if (!isset($userAgentImagesFile)) { $userAgentImagesFile = "phone_images.php"; } require_once($userAgentImagesFile); $this->userAgentImages = $userAgentImages; } private function connectSocket() { if (!strlen($this->dispatcher)) { return false; } if (preg_match("/^(tls|tcp):(.*):(.*)$/", $this->dispatcher, $m)) { $hostname = $m[1].'://'.$m[2]; $port = $m[3]; $target= 'tcp://'.$m[2].':'.$m[3]; $transport= $m[1]; $this->mp_tls_cert_file = '/etc/cdrtool/mediaproxy.'.$m[2].'.pem'; if ($m[1] == 'tls') { if (!file_exists($this->mp_tls_cert_file)) { printf("

Error: mediaproxy certificate file %s does not exist. \n", $this->mp_tls_cert_file); return false; } $tls_options=array('ssl' => array('local_cert' => $this->mp_tls_cert_file)); $context=stream_context_create($tls_options); } else { $context=stream_context_create(array()); } } else { printf("

Error: MediaProxy dispatcher '%s' must be in the form: tls:hostname:port or tcp:hostname:port", $this->dispatcher); return false; } if ($fp = stream_socket_client($target, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context)) { if ($transport == "tls") { if (!stream_socket_enable_crypto($fp, true, STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv3_CLIENT)) { printf("

Error connecting to %s: (Could not enable crypto) \n", $target); return false; } } return $fp; } else { printf("

Error connecting to %s: %s (%s) \n", $target, $errstr, $errno); return false; } } public function fetchSessionFromNetwork() { // get sessions from MediaProxy2 dispatcher if (!$fp = $this->connectSocket()) { return array(); } fputs($fp, "sessions\r\n"); $line = fgets($fp); return json_decode($line); } public function fetchSummaryFromNetwork() { // get summary from MediaProxy2 dispatcher if (count($this->allowedDomains)) { return array(); } if (!$fp = $this->connectSocket()) { return array(); } fwrite($fp, "summary\r\n"); $line = fgets($fp); fclose($fp); return json_decode($line, true); } public function getSessions() { $_sessions = $this->fetchSessionFromNetwork(); if (count($this->allowedDomains)) { $this->domain_statistics['total'] = array( 'sessions' => 0, 'caller' => 0, 'callee' => 0 ); foreach ($_sessions as $_session) { list($user1, $domain1) = explode("@", $_session->from_uri); list($user2, $domain2) = explode("@", $_session->to_uri); if (preg_match("/^(.*):/", $domain1, $m)) { $domain1 = $m[1]; } $may_display = false; foreach ($this->allowedDomains as $allow_domain) { if ($this->endsWith($domain1, $allow_domain)) { $may_display = true; break; } if ($this->endsWith($domain2, $allow_domain)) { $may_display = true; break; } } if (!$may_display) { continue; } if (!array_key_exists($domain1, $this->domain_statistics)) { $this->domain_statistics[$domain1] = array( 'sessions' => 0, 'caller' => 0, 'callee' => 0 ); } $this->domain_statistics[$domain1]['sessions']++; $this->domain_statistics['total']['sessions']++; foreach ($_session->streams as $streamInfo) { list($relay_ip, $relay_port) = explode(":", $streamInfo->caller_local); $_relay_statistics[$relay_ip]['stream_count'][$streamInfo->media_type]++; if ($_session->duration) { $session_bps =($streamInfo->caller_bytes + $streamInfo->callee_bytes) / $_session->duration * 8; $_relay_statistics[$relay_ip]['bps_relayed'] = $_relay_statistics[$relay_ip]['bps_relayed'] + $session_bps; } $this->domain_statistics[$domain1]['caller'] = $this->domain_statistics[$domain1]['caller'] + intval($streamInfo->caller_bytes / $_session->duration * 2); $this->domain_statistics['total']['caller'] = $this->domain_statistics['total']['caller'] + intval($streamInfo->caller_bytes / $_session->duration * 2); $this->domain_statistics[$domain1]['callee'] = $this->domain_statistics[$domain1]['callee'] + intval($streamInfo->callee_bytes / $_session->duration * 2); $this->domain_statistics['total']['callee'] = $this->domain_statistics['total']['callee'] + intval($streamInfo->callee_bytes/$_session->duration * 2); } $_relay_statistics[$relay_ip]['session_count']++; $_sessions2[] = $_session; } } else { $this->domain_statistics['total'] = array( 'sessions' => 0, 'caller' => 0, 'callee' => 0 ); foreach ($_sessions as $_session) { list($user1, $domain1) = explode("@", $_session->from_uri); list($user2, $domain2) = explode("@", $_session->to_uri); if (preg_match("/^(.*):/", $domain1, $m)) { $domain1=$m[1]; } if (!array_key_exists($domain1, $this->domain_statistics)) { $this->domain_statistics[$domain1]= array( 'sessions' => 0, 'caller' => 0, 'callee' => 0 ); } $this->domain_statistics[$domain1]['sessions']++; $this->domain_statistics['total']['sessions']++; foreach ($_session->streams as $streamInfo) { if ($_session->duration) { $this->domain_statistics[$domain1]['caller'] = $this->domain_statistics[$domain1]['caller']+intval($streamInfo->caller_bytes/$_session->duration*2); $this->domain_statistics['total']['caller'] = $this->domain_statistics['total']['caller']+intval($streamInfo->caller_bytes/$_session->duration*2); $this->domain_statistics[$domain1]['callee'] = $this->domain_statistics[$domain1]['callee']+intval($streamInfo->callee_bytes/$_session->duration*2); $this->domain_statistics['total']['callee'] = $this->domain_statistics['total']['callee']+intval($streamInfo->callee_bytes/$_session->duration*2); } } } $_sessions2 = $_sessions; } if (count($this->allowedDomains)) { foreach (array_keys($_relay_statistics) as $_ip) { $this->relay_statistics[]=array('ip' => $_ip, 'bps_relayed' => $_relay_statistics[$_ip]['bps_relayed'], 'session_count' => $_relay_statistics[$_ip]['session_count'], 'stream_count' => $_relay_statistics[$_ip]['stream_count'], 'status' => 'ok', 'uptime' => 'unknown' ); } } if (strlen($this->filters['user'])) { foreach ($_sessions2 as $_session) { $user=$this->filters['user']; if (preg_match("/$user/", $_session->from_uri) || preg_match("/$user/", $_session->to_uri)) { $this->sessions[] = $_session; } } } else { $this->sessions = $_sessions2; } } public function getSummary() { if (count($this->allowedDomains)) { if (is_array($this->relay_statistics)) { $this->summary = $this->relay_statistics; } } else { $this->summary = $this->fetchSummaryFromNetwork(); } } public function showSearch() { printf( "

", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], isset($_REQUEST['user']) ? $_REQUEST['user'] : '' ); print ""; } public function showHeader() { print " Media sessions "; } public function showFooter() { } public function showAll() { $this->showHeader(); if (!$this->allowedDomains) { $this->showSummary(); } $this->showSearch(); $this->showSessions(); $this->showFooter(); } public function showSummary() { $this->getSummary(); if (!count($this->summary)) { return; } if (count($this->allowedDomains)) { print "
"; } else { print "
Address Relayed traffic Sessions Streams Status
"; } $i = 1; foreach ($this->summary as $relay) { unset($media_types); unset($streams); $streams = ''; $media_types=count($relay['stream_count']); if ($media_types > 1) { foreach (array_keys($relay['stream_count']) as $key) { $streams .= sprintf("%s %s, ", $key, $relay['stream_count'][$key]); } $streams=chop($streams, ', '); } else { foreach (array_keys($relay['stream_count']) as $key) { $streams=sprintf("%s %s", $key, $relay['stream_count'][$key]); } } $rClass= 'label-success'; if ($relay['status'] == 'halting') { $rClass = 'label-warning'; } $relayStatus = sprintf("%s", $rClass, ucfirst($relay['status'])); if (count($this->allowedDomains)) { printf( " ", $i, $this->ip2host($relay['ip']), $this->normalizeTraffic($relay['bps_relayed']), $relay['session_count'], $streams, $relayStatus ); } else { printf( " ", $i, $this->ip2host($relay['ip']), $relay['version'], $this->normalizeTime($relay['uptime']), $this->normalizeTraffic($relay['bps_relayed']), $relay['session_count'], $streams, $relayStatus ); } $i++; } print "
Address Version Uptime Relayed traffic Sessions Streams Status
%d %s %s %d %s %s
%d %s %s %s %s %d %s %s
"; } public function showSessions() { print "


"; if (!count($this->sessions)) { return; } print " "; $i = 1; foreach ($this->sessions as $session) { $from = $session->from_uri; $to = $session->to_uri; $fromAgent = $session->caller_ua; $toAgent = $session->callee_ua; $fromImage = $this->getImageForUserAgent($fromAgent); $toImage = $this->getImageForUserAgent($toAgent); $sc = count($session->streams); print " "; $duration = $this->normalizeTime($session->duration); if (count($session->streams) > 0) { foreach ($session->streams as $streamInfo) { $status = $streamInfo->status; $statusClass = ""; if ($status=="idle" || $status=='hold') { $idletime = $this->normalizeTime($streamInfo->timeout_wait); $status = sprintf("%s %s", $status, $idletime); } else if ($status == "closed") { $statusClass = "muted"; } $caller = $streamInfo->caller_remote; $callee = $streamInfo->callee_remote; $relay_caller = $streamInfo->caller_local; $relay_callee = $streamInfo->callee_local; if (substr_count($relay_caller, ":") == 1) { // Probaly ipv4 $relay_caller_data = explode(":", $relay_caller); $relay_caller = $this->ip2host($relay_caller_data[0]).":".$relay_caller_data[1]; } if (substr_count($relay_callee, ":") == 1) { // Probaly ipv4 $relay_callee_data = explode(":", $relay_callee); $relay_callee = $this->ip2host($relay_callee_data[0]).":".$relay_callee_data[1]; } $codec = $streamInfo->caller_codec; $type = $streamInfo->media_type; if ($caller == '?.?.?.?:?') { $caller = '–'; // a dash $align1 = 'center'; } else { $align1 = 'left'; } if ($callee == '?.?.?.?:?') { $callee = '–'; // a dash $align2 = 'center'; } else { $align2 = 'left'; } if ($codec == 'Unknown') { $codec = '–'; // a dash } else { $codec = "$codec"; } if ($type == 'Unknown') { $type = '–'; // a dash } else if ($type == 'video') { $type = "$type"; } else if ($type == 'audio') { $type = "$type"; } else { $type = "$type"; } $bytes_in1 = $this->normalizeBytes($streamInfo->caller_bytes); $bytes_in2 = $this->normalizeBytes($streamInfo->callee_bytes); print " "; } } else { print ""; } $i++; } print "
Callers (".count($this->sessions).") Phones Media Streams
Caller address Relay caller Relay callee Callee address Status Type/Codec Duration Bytes
From: $from
To: $to
"; if ($fromImage == 'unknown.png') { print ""; } else if ($fromImage == 'asterisk.png') { print ""; } else { print " \"$fromAgent\""; } print " "; if ($toImage == 'unknown.png') { print ""; } else if ($toImage == 'asterisk.png') { print ""; } else { print " \"$toAgent\""; } print "$caller $relay_caller $relay_callee $callee $status $type $codec $duration $bytes_in1 $bytes_in2

"; } private function normalizeBytes($bytes) { $mb = $bytes /1024 /1024.0; $kb = $bytes /1024.0; if ($mb >= 0.95) { return sprintf("%.2fM", $mb); } else if ($kb >= 1) { return sprintf("%.2fk", $kb); } else { return sprintf("%d", $bytes); } } private function normalizeTime($period) { $sec = $period % 60; $min = floor($period / 60); $h = floor($min / 60); $d = floor($h / 24); $min = $min % 60; $h = $h % 24; if ($d >= 1) { return sprintf('%dd %dh %02d\' %02d"', $d, $h, $min, $sec); } else if ($h >= 1) { return sprintf('%dh %02d\' %02d"', $h, $min, $sec); } else { return sprintf('%d\' %02d"', $min, $sec); } } private function normalizeTraffic($traffic) { // input is in bits/second $mb = $traffic / 1024 / 1024.0; $gb = $traffic/ 1024 / 1024 / 1024; $kb = $traffic / 1024.0; if ($gb >= 0.95) { return sprintf("%.2f Gbit/s", $gb); } else if ($mb >= 0.95) { return sprintf("%.2f Mbit/s", $mb); } else if ($kb >= 1) { return sprintf("%.2f Kbit/s", $kb); } else if ($traffic == 0) { return $traffic; } else { return sprintf("%d bit/s", $traffic); } } public function getImageForUserAgent($agent) { foreach ($this->userAgentImages as $agentRegexp => $image) { if (preg_match("/$agentRegexp/i", $agent)) { return $image; } } return "unknown.png"; } public function ip2host($ip) { return $ip; } } class MediaSessionsNGNPro extends MediaSessions { // get Media session from NGNPro - public function MediaSessionsNGNPro($engineId, $allowedDomains=array(), $filters=array()) + public function __construct($engineId, $allowedDomains = array(), $filters = array()) { if (!strlen($engineId)) { return false; } $this->soapEngineId = $engineId; $this->filters = $filters; $this->allowedDomains = $allowedDomains; $this->getUserAgentPictures(); require("/etc/cdrtool/ngnpro_engines.inc"); require_once("ngnpro_soap_library.php"); if (!strlen($this->soapEngineId)) { return false; } if (!$soapEngines[$this->soapEngineId]) { return false; } $this->SOAPlogin = array( "username" => $soapEngines[$this->soapEngineId]['username'], "password" => $soapEngines[$this->soapEngineId]['password'], "admin" => true ); $this->SOAPurl=$soapEngines[$this->soapEngineId]['url']; $this->SoapAuth = array('auth', $this->SOAPlogin , 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro', 0, ''); // Instantiate the SOAP client $this->soapclient = new WebService_NGNPro_SipPort($this->SOAPurl); $this->soapclient->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5); $this->soapclient->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); $this->soapclient->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); if (is_array($soapEngines[$this->soapEngineId]['hostnames'])) { $this->hostnames=$soapEngines[$this->soapEngineId]['hostnames']; } else { $this->hostnames=array(); } } public function fetchSessionFromNetwork() { if (!is_object($this->soapclient)) { return false; } $this->soapclient->addHeader($this->SoapAuth); $result = $this->soapclient->getMediaSessions(); if ((new PEAR)->isError($result)) { $error_msg = $result->getMessage(); $error_fault = $result->getFault(); $error_code = $result->getCode(); printf("Error from %s: %s: %s", $this->SOAPurl, $error_fault->detail->exception->errorcode, $error_fault->detail->exception->errorstring); return false; } return json_decode($result); } public function fetchSummaryFromNetwork() { if (!is_object($this->soapclient)) { return array(); } $this->soapclient->addHeader($this->SoapAuth); $result = $this->soapclient->getMediaSummary(); if ((new PEAR)->isError($result)) { $error_msg = $result->getMessage(); $error_fault = $result->getFault(); $error_code = $result->getCode(); printf("Error from %s: %s: %s", $this->SOAPurl, $error_fault->detail->exception->errorcode, $error_fault->detail->exception->errorstring); return array(); } return json_decode($result, true); } public function ip2host($ip) { if ($this->hostnames[$ip]) { return $this->hostnames[$ip]; } else { return $ip; } } public function endsWith($string, $endString) { $len = strlen($endString); if ($len == 0) { return true; } return (substr($string, -$len) === $endString); } } ?>